Hi. My name is Jonathan and I’m a candy corn addict.

There are few foods that I love as much as candy corn. They are disgustingly sweet and I hate the way they make me feel after eating a batch. And yet, I'm completely addicted to them. If I open a bag, I finish it. For me, candy corn is the third side of my perfect candy triangle, along with Reese's Pieces and Cadbury Cream Eggs. Yes, I think about this stuff way too much...and yes, I've got problems. But wait, it gets worse.

Do you remember the TV commercials for Oreos where they had different people demonstrating the way that they eat one of those delicious black and white cookies? Some twist and separate and some pop them into their mouths whole. Similarly, I have my own specific process for eating candy corn, which reveals the genius of the candy.

(Hi. My name is Jonathan and I'm a candy corn addict.) 

This may sound pretty ridiculous, but I really enjoy analyzing stuff like this. I find myself scrutinizing a sip of wine or examining the composition of a photograph to reveal an underlying component that makes the item work well (or not). In the case of candy corn, it's all about the texture. The "freshest" batches of the wax-like candy yield around your teeth like velvet as you chew. Pure bliss.

Next time you eat a piece of candy, or drink a new beer, or look at a piece of art, stop for a second and think about why you like or dislike it. It's quite revealing and it will certainly enable you to achieve maximum enjoyment out of the simplest pleasure in life...eating candy corn.

Happy Halloween!